- Date: August 2020 - November 2020
- Value: £12k
- List Item

We had previously built a course for the UCLA Cares team in Articulate Storyline which they were really happy with. They had a series of other courses already built in a different authoring tool, one of which they weren’t happy with and asked if we could re-build it in Storyline. The content and structure were already approved, and the videos already produced, so it just needed a more robust build with branching scenario options.
We discussed what the issues were with the current course before reviewing it ourselves and putting forward our recommendations for change. The course was clunky and the navigation was not intuitive. We therefore designed a clearer route through the case studies, along with a navigation bar so the learner could see where they were in the journey. We also created a case study selection interface within Storyline, as opposed to having four separate modules.
It was important to UCLA that the videos were hosted on Vimeo, but that limited our ability to control the navigation within Storyline. We therefore created some JavaScript which was able to identify when the video ended. That passes the trigger to Storyline to show the decision point. We published the course to xAPI so that all decisions could be logged and reported. That involved working closely with UCLA’s external LMS suppliers to ensure that it worked as required.
Managing Anxiety in the Classroom is still one of UCLA Cares flagship courses and is still in use today.
We have built a good relationship with the team at UCLA cares and have developed a series of other courses for them since.